History’s Most Remarkable Years

This year has been unfortunate to many of us. So many calamities turned up in the past twelve months that we experienced fatigue many times over. It was so bad that some people labelled 2020 as an annus horribilis due to its unusual number of misfortunes. 'Annus horribilis' is a latin term that means "horrible year," which precisely defines 2020 in fewest words possible. You might be extra curious to know what years in the past may be counted as "anni horribiles." If you have that kind of curiosity, it may also fuel your interest on what the term's antonym is. Well, t he latin term for "wonderful year" is annus mirabilis . History is replete with many examples of both anni horribiles and anni mirabiles . However, most of them can be considered disastrous or wonderful for singular reasons only. Only very few match 2020's eventfulness. This article is meant for light reading only and so it mentions only the most notable years in hist...