The Geneticist

Rita Hayworth in the movie "Gilda." It was a cold but sunny afternoon in the middle of Autumn, 1946. He had just seen the movie “Gilda” starring the famed actress, Rita Hayworth. Just like any fine gentleman of those days, he admires the renowned actress. Walking down the cobblestones of an alley, he saw rubbles and dust blown by the wind. The war had just ended, and it was a small city in Austria. He spoke in German, “where is the city’s main library?” The random stranger seemed perplexed, for the city does not often get many tourists. Apparently, the local – a young teenager – couldn’t believe that someone does not know his way to one of the most visited places in town. Directions were given nevertheless, so the visitor went off. The way to the library, as well as the library itself, was still in chaos. The small city has not recovered from the war. Rubbles, stones, dust all over, everywhere, but the fine gentleman from somewhere else was unpe...