Tinseltown Magic

From nothing, the world conjures

A spectacular kind of culture

Where streets in towns and cities

Are decorated with potpourris

Christmas in Bruges, Belgium. Image Source: Pinterest

For much of the year

The roads and parks are clear

But towards the very end

Appears a tinsel kind of trend

Titillating pieces of music

Resonate wafts of magic

Giving listeners joy

Even the most serious enjoy

The scent of the air

Used to be so bare

Becomes somewhat exciting

As we smell food chefs are cooking

Cosmopolitan places are abuzz

With people busy in shops

As they search and scour for items

They would love to give as presents

Champs-Elysees in December. Image Source: Getty

These revelries wouldn't come to existence

Without the holidays' very essence

Of loving and allowing forgiveness

That ultimately bring people happiness

We create all of these magic

From food to gifts to music

To decors from homes to streets

All of which are truly fantastic

Christmas in Milan. Image Source: Getty

We do all these for the joyful coming

Of our Lord, our Savior

Who is very much the reason

For all of Tinseltown's splendor...

The birth of Jesus we celebrate

His second coming we await

For he is the very source

Of the magic that resonates... 


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