La Dolce Vita 🇮🇹🇻🇦🇲🇨 🍸

September 2023. 

My birthmonth, my birthyear. I was born a hare, so this year had to be special. Everyone knows of my Euro Trip with my aunt and my sister. But, unlike most people think, the tour was not premeditated. It was a split-second decision.

No matter what happens, I will make 2023 a special year. I was born a hare, and this year was the year of the Water Hare. It happens once every twelve years, and the next one will be 2035. I don't think I could wait that long, could I?

So when I heard my aunt and my sister talk about a possible Euro Tour on no other month but September - my birthmonth - I immediately asked if I could go with them. "Sure," said my aunt. The rest was history!

In this post, I will share some photos of our destinations. As promised, I will make separate entries for each destination on separate articles linked to this article. For now, enjoy the pictures below as much as I enjoyed taking and posting them. 😊

Magnificent Milan 🇮🇹

Venice, the Floating City 🇮🇹

Lago di Como: A Lakeside Paradise 🇮🇹

Siena, the Gothic City 🇮🇹

San Gimignano: A Medieval Town 🇮🇹

The Leaning Tower of Pisa 🇮🇹

Flair of Florence 🇮🇹

Rome, the Eternal City 🇮🇹

Vatican City, Truly Divine!🇻🇦

Mesmerising Monaco 🇲🇨

I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures! As promised, I will make separate posts for each city or destination we went to. This blog will also be updated by maps soon!


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