To My Doctor Boo

I'd like to express these feelings of mine

I believe it's now the proper time

You often make me laugh and smile

And I guess that's a sign

I don't know if I'll let things be

But I believe I am now ready

From today to infinity

I wish it'll be you and me

You don't need me to be impressed

You are never ever less

Whether you wear baggy clothes or dress

I like you nevertheless

As I write this tonight

I will sleep tight

Tomorrow I'll see you smile

When you read this poem of mine

There is so much to unravel

I wish to know you well

Please, please do tell

Everything behind your shell

As I end this poem, Doctor Boo

There's something you ought to know

That I want you and me to grow

For I very much love you so

~ Randall Hare,

10:45 pm

20 July 2021


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